Project Director
Annie Mkandawire has 16 years of experience in the education sector within Malawi including 2 years as a head teacher of a large secondary school. Prior to founding HMM she worked in the projects department of the Evangelical Association of Malawi assisting and advising on program implementation and strategy. Annie directs all the ministries of Hope Missions with a particular focus on women empowerment programmes and maintaining close ties with community leaders.
Deputy Project Director
Chris Ungapembe joined Hope Missions in June 2008 to oversee the agricultural projects and assist with the youth development work. He has a diploma in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management and has previous field experience with World Relief and the Ministry of Agriculture in Malawi. Chris has shown himself to be extremely capable and has been promoted to Deputy Project Director as a result. Chris also has creative and artistic flair and enjoys playing the guitar and writing poetry in his free time.
Micro Enterprise, Child Survival and Evangelism Coordinator
Zione Mbwana joined Hope Missions Ministries in 2009 and has rapidly grown and expanded her responsibilies as a result. She now oversees the Micro Enterprise programmes for HMM as well as providing the main contact point fo r the nursery schools. Zione works very closely with Annie in the skills training workshops as well as coordinating much of the evanglistic efforts with the women's ministries in the field.
Women's Ministries & Community Leaders
Esther Chikoja has been associated with Hope Missions and has supported the work of the Project Director since it began in 2003. She joined the team more formally in January 2009 to assist part-time with the women’s ministries and outreach to community leaders in T/A Masula. Esther has previously worked with the Evangelical Association of Malawi in their women’s ministries from 2000 and been a valuable member of their chief’s ministry team since 2006.
Pastor - Kayabwa Church
Pastor Likhoko was trained in the Lilongwe Bible college and joined Hope Missions as a pastor to the growing church in Kayabwa in 2007. Under his leadership the church has grown to over 200 members as well as starting 2 church plants in neighbouring villages. He moved to live in Kayabwa village itself to provide a more consistent support for the church and is the focal point of much of our work into that community. He is greatly valued and is a strong man of God.
Pastor - Chapsinja Church
Frank Banda joined Hope Missions in 2012 after he gratuated from the Lilongwe Bible college. He initially volunteered to serve and assist with the church in Chapsinja and has faithfully pastored them since. He was taken on as a full time member of staff at the end of 2012 and currently lives and works with the church in Chapsinja. The church is young but growing and we are truly blessed to have Frank working alongside us into this community.
Finance & Strategy
Alex Millington is a qualified Chartered Accountant and provides financial, fundraising and promotional support for Hope Missions from the United Kingdom. Alex worked directly with Hope Missions in Malawi for a year in 2008 and together with his wife Sara agreed to be Hope Missions main points of contact in the UK. Alex helps oversee the financial management of Hope Missions as well as assisting with fundraising, donor liaison and website maintenance.
Design & Communications
Sara Millington completed a postgraduate qualification in teaching with a focus on the early years before commencing a career in providing editorial and design services to publishing companies and individuals. Sara also worked with Hope Missions in Malawi during 2008 and during this time was responsible for the development of a teacher training strategy for the nusery school teachers and the production of publicity material. She continues to provide fundraising and strategic support from the UK.
Fundraising & Strategy
Chelsea Graves is a native of Hattiesburg, MS, and a graduate of Southern University and A&M College. She possesses an extensive knowledge-base in Human Resources Management and organizational management coupled with a personal commitment to community needs and concerns. Chelsea’s professional experience in administration and strategic development extends over 10 years, including service in public, private, and non-profit entities. Chelsea serves as Hope Missions main point of contact in the US as well as assisting with fundraising and strategic support.
"Transforming communities through the implementation of programs which affect all areas of community life including: agriculture, education, economic empowerment, advocacy and discipleship, working through the local church and community leaders." |
©Hope Missions Ministries 2008.
Private Bag B510, City Centre, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI
Tel: +265 (0)999 392 545