Financial Support
As with every charitable and faith-based oganisation, we depend upon the generosity of our supporters to enable us to continue and expand the work we are doing. Our supporters range from individuals to churches to donor organisations such as Starfish Malawi and Individuell Manniskohjalp.
Whether you wish to support us with a one-off donation, a regular monthly contribution or bless us as the beneficiary of a fund-raising event you are organising, Hope Missions Ministries values every penny, pound, dollar and cent that is given to us as it all enables us to continue to serve the communities in which we work.
Ideas and Examples
Below are some examples of the more inventive ways that we have been helped financially over the past few years:
- A youth team from Star Hill Church, located in Baton Rouge, LA USA identified Hope Missions Ministries as the beneficiary of their annual Global Connection Service Project which involved two fund-raising events and a Global Awareness Workshop for 300 local youth focused on the continent of Africa, specifically the country of Malawi.
- A number of dinners, dances and events have been held for Hope Missions Ministries including a Lindy Hop fundraiser and a Quiz night.
- UK-based company A L Marketing donated money to Hope Missions Ministries for their schools feeding programme instead of distributing corporate Christmas Cards.
- Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church, UK identified Hope Missions Ministries as the beneficiary of their missions grant for 2010 and provided us with the financial support to run several workshops and distribute Bibles to the chiefs and elders of our target communities.
However it is that you feel you can help, whether by regular or one-off donations, by organising a sponsored event or fund-raiser, or by making us the beneficiary of your corporate social responsibility or missions programmes we would love to hear from you. If you need it we are also able to assist you with sponsorship forms and high-res images to support your fund-raising activities.
Please find below the necessary details for sending financial contributions to Hope Missions Minsitries:
While Hope Missions Ministries is a registered charity in Malawi, it is not yet registered in any other country. As such, we maintain a project account in the UK with Links International and a second project account in the US with Links' partner River Stone Community Church. Links and RSCC are registered charitable organisations in their respective countries.
Standing orders/direct bank payments should be made into Links International’s Project Account:
Links International / Lloyds TSB Bank plc / Sort code 30-99-86 / Ac no: 00432695
Please ask the bank to mark these clearly with *YOUR NAME*3014 and email Links to let them know your arrangement
Please set these up directly or alternatively complete the Standing Order Form and return it to Links at the address below.
Please make any cheques payable to Links International, mark them on the back clearly with *YOUR NAME*3014, include a covering note and send to:
Links International, PO Box 198 Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 3UQ. Tel: (01903) 778515
UK Tax Payer? then please also complete the Gift Aid form and return it to Links at the above address
Please contact us for further information on how to support us through our partner in the US.
"Transforming communities through the implementation of programs which affect all areas of community life including: agriculture, education, economic empowerment, advocacy and discipleship, working through the local church and community leaders." |
©Hope Missions Ministries 2008.
Private Bag B510, City Centre, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI
Tel: +265 (0)999 392 545